Lets You Control Your Appetite Without Cravings

Posted 18.41 by john chn in Label:
How a New Process Lets You Control Your Appetite Without Cravings

If you're like most Americans you've probably tried a few approaches to weight loss - and without much lasting success.

The problem, according to experts is the combination of our sedentary lifestyle and our strong tendency to overeat.

Most of us spend 8 to 9 hours a day, 5 days a week sitting at our desks, plus more time sitting on our daily commute.  And exercise is apparently of little help when it comes to dropping pounds.  Even though Americans spend $19 billion dollars a year on gym memberships, and most of us say we exercise regularly, two-thirds of the population is still overweight or obese by government standards. Something just doesn't add up.

Overeating seems to be the main problem. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume and unless you're following a strict diet, it's very difficult to "work off" the excess amount of calories that most of us take in. For instance, for a 140 lb. woman to burn off the calories in a bagel with cream cheese, she would have to jog for an hour. And that's just breakfast.

That hasn't left people with too many effective options. You can rely on willpower and ration your food intake, turn to fat blockers that have embarrassing side effects, or worse, use dubious stimulants that could put your health at risk for the sake of losing weight.

So, is there a solution to this dilemma?

Apparently a new California Company called Sensa may just have one. They have just launched a remarkable new product that has been shown to control the appetite and convince the brain to stop overeating.

Sensa was developed by Dr. Alan Hirsch, an intrepid doctor and neuro-scientist, whose lifelong specialty has been to study how our senses, and in particular, smell and taste affect the brain's functioning. Dr. Hirsch's breakthrough occurred when he discovered that many of his patients who had lost their sense of smell and taste due to illness or accident experienced rapid weight gain.  He recognized that certain smells and tastes seemed to be acting on the brain to control the appetite.

Dr Hirsch studied hundreds of compounds and after years of research developed a set of virtually odorless and tasteless food sprinkles that showed a strong impact on the body's appetite-control center, which he called "Tastants".  Then, in one of the largest studies of a non-prescription weight-loss system, these Tastants were tested for effectiveness as a means of weight loss. 

The results were significant. Over a 6 month period, 1,436 women and men sprinkled flavorless "Tastant" crystals on everything they ate, and lost an average of 30.5 pounds - nearly 15% of their total body weight.

Participants achieved these results without having to follow any special exercise regime or diet.

Best of all, because it is tasteless and odorless and contains no stimulants and does not directly interact with the digestive system, there are no unpleasant side-effects.  According to Dr Hirsch, "With Sensa, you can eat all the foods that satisfy your senses and you don't have to deal with any intense food cravings or feelings of starvation. Sensa merely helps you eat less of the foods you love and gain greater satisfaction from smaller portions."

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